Why is Once Upon A December So Magical

I (three) set out to discover why I find this song to be magical. By watching it.

erm says she finds it melodramatic, but she also finds Anastasia melodramatic.

I say, bring on the melodrama. Here’s why I’ve decided this song is still magical and melodramatic:

It’s visually exciting.

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Ghost people in fancy dress are descending from the windows I am confused but I am also excited.

Dance, ghost people!

Anastasia’s outfit is on point.

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Her outfit is basically in style, in 2016. Those ankle boots!

But as a kid I was pretty transfixed by her poor-girl clothes as well. As much as her face lacked the charm of Disney’s leading ladies, her outfit design had so much character.

Who even is this dude.

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What I mean is, there’s intrigue. Who are you and why is this happening?

Then it ends.

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And you’re left like… “what is this story” and not even thinking about the problematic realities of what actually happened here.

Moral of the story: Anastasia has great music but who thought this story was a good idea?


Accountant by trade, blogger by choice, novelist by nature. High functioning anxiety is my superpower.

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1 Comment

  1. Best thing about this movie was the music! I was totally obsessed with this song as a kid.

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